Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Finished Product

 Remember way back in October when I posted about all the problems we were having renovating the bathroom?  At that time, we were already a month into the project and we’d only just begun.  In fact, JD JUST finished it yesterday.

But instead of dwelling on how long it took, how frustrating it was, and how many problems we ran into, I am simply going to rejoice that it’s done.  It’s a masterpiece.  I stared at it for quite some time when I got home last night.  Goodbye ugly wallpaper border.  Goodbye uneven walls.  Goodbye gross accessories.  Goodbye Hollywood lights.  Goodbye nasty linoleum.  Hello happy paint color, fresh tile, and updated fixtures:

I would also like to share that I was not expecting it to be finished yesterday.  The plan was for JD to finish installing the new baseboard, sand the areas of the wall that needed to be touched up, and I would finish painting this weekend.  But when I walked into the house last night, there were no tools in the dining room, the floor had been swept and mopped, and the kitchen was sparkling.  For the grand finale, JD asked me to check out the bathroom.  I opened the door and there was a finished bathroom in all its glory.

JD did most of the work, so it’s easy for me to say this:  It was all worth it :)

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